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Seasons (ein paar englische und deutsche Drabbles)

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Seasons (ein paar englische und deutsche Drabbles)

Beitragvon C_K_unlimited » So 30. Sep 2012, 16:25

Ich konnte heute seit langem mal wieder drabbeln, allerdings nur auf Englisch. Ich will versuchen da in der nächsten Zeit (vielleicht schaffe ich es innerhalb einer Woche, frau kann ja hoffen) die Jahreszeiten durchzumachen. Vielleicht werden es aber auch nur mehrere Drabbles, die sich alle um die gleiche Jahreszeit drehen. Mal sehen. Aber irgendwie muss da grade was aus mir raus. :shrug:

Bild Bild

Fall (150 words)

Waking up Clark felt in his bones that something was different. The light had just that shade to it that made it precious. The sounds just that quiet that made the moment perfect. Taking a deep breath and stretching like a cat he turned around facing his window. Through the crack in his curtains he could see the humidity that had gathered at the glass, condensed at the cool from outside.

Feeling restless Clark got up, opened the curtains and the window letting the light and the air fully in. It smelled rich, dark, earthy-wet and sweet at the same time while the sunlight still had a force to it that warmed him deep within making his cells tingle.

Yes, fall had arrived with its yellows, oranges, reds, browns and fading greens, but also with its coziness, munching Ma's apple pie next to a warm fire in the tile stove.


Forest (100 words)

“Clark? - Claark!”

From afar he can hear his Mother's voice like in a dream. He is caught somewhere in a different world, specks of colors all around him. His ears filled with the rustling of countless leaves on the floor moved by his feet dragging through them. At the edge of his awareness are also birds singing and the steps of several earthbound animals moving almost noiseless though the forest. His eyes take in the play of light an shadow. His nose soaking in the clean crispy air.

Reluctantly he turns around, heading home for breakfast and chores.

Beiträge: 2827
Registriert: So 3. Jan 2010, 19:12
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